Ufone International Call Rates Packages 2017

By on Jan 8, 2017 in Call Packages, Cellular Networks, Mobile, Ufone | 0 comments

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Ufone International Call Rates Packages 2017


Ufone International Call Rates Packages 2017

Ufone International Call Rates Packages 2017


Ufone International Call Rates Packages 2017

Ufone International Call Rates Packages 2017 Prepaid Turkey Uae Saudi Arabia

Packages Subscription No of Minutes Validity Activation SMS code
Package 1 RS 100 + Tax 120 Minutes 14 Days 711
Package 2 RS 50 + Tax 60 Minutes 7 Days 712
Package 3 RS 10 + Tax 10 Minutes Same day till midnight *2244#


Country Destination Rs/min
Afghanistan Fixed 12.99
Australia Fixed 2.2
Bahrain Fixed 9.99
Bangladesh Fixed 8.99
Belgium***** Fixed 3.99
Brazil Fixed 11.95
China Fixed 2.2
Denmark Fixed 2.2
Egypt Fixed 16.99
France Fixed 2.2
Germany* Fixed 2.2
Greece Fixed 3.99
Hong Kong Fixed 2.2
India Fixed 8.99
Indonesia Fixed 8.99
Iran Fixed 12.99
Iraq Fixed 25
Ireland Fixed 3.99
Italy*** Fixed 2.2
Japan Fixed 3.99
Jordan Fixed 12.99
Kuwait Fixed 8.99
Malaysia Fixed 3.99
Netherlands Fixed 2.2
Norway Fixed 2.2
Oman Fixed 10.99
Philippines Fixed 16.99
Qatar Fixed 12.99
Russian Federation Fixed 8.99
Saudi Arabia Fixed 8.99
South Africa Fixed 8.99
South Korea Fixed 3.99
Spain Fixed 2.2
Sri Lanka Fixed 8.99
Thailand Fixed 8.99
Turkey Fixed 8.99
UAE Fixed 11.50
UK** Fixed 2.2
USA/Canada Fixed 2.2
Uzbekistan Fixed 16.99
Yemen Fixed 16.99

Covered Destinations (Mobile)

Country Destination Rs/min
**UK Mobile 12.99
Afghanistan Mobile 17.95
Australia Mobile 12.99
Bahrain Mobile 9.99
Bangladesh Mobile 9.99
Belgium***** Mobile 16.99
Brazil Mobile 17.93
China Mobile 2.2
Denmark Mobile 16.99
Egypt Mobile 16.99
France Mobile 12.99
Germany Mobile 16.99
Greece Mobile 16.99
Hong Kong Mobile 2.2
India Mobile 9.99
Indonesia Mobile 16.99
Iran Mobile 12.99
Iraq Mobile 25
Ireland Mobile 29.99
Italy Mobile 16.99
Japan Mobile 12.99
Jordan Mobile 16.99
Kuwait Mobile 9.99
Malaysia Mobile 9.99
Netherlands Mobile 16.99
Norway Mobile 16.99
Oman Mobile 16.99
Philippines Mobile 12.99
Qatar Mobile 16.99
Russian Federation^ Mobile 25.00
Saudi Arabia Mobile 9.98
South Africa Mobile 16.99
South Korea Mobile 10.99
Spain Mobile 16.99
Sri Lanka Mobile 10.99
Thailand Mobile 9.99
Turkey Mobile 12.99
UAE Mobile 11.50
USA/Canada Mobile 2.2
Uzbekistan Mobile 16.99
Yemen Mobile 16.99


Country Destination Rs/min
Maldives Fixed PKR         69.99
****Nigeria Fixed PKR         12.99
Ghana Fixed PKR         24.99
Guinea Republic Fixed PKR         40.99
Peru Fixed PKR         29.99
Senegal Fixed PKR         31.99
Papua New Guinea Fixed PKR       199.99
Tanzania Fixed PKR         19.99
Libya Fixed PKR         24.99
Liberia Fixed PKR         29.99
Tajikistan Fixed PKR         15.99
Benin Fixed PKR         19.99
Azerbaijan Fixed PKR         19.99
Colombia Fixed PKR         15.99
Belarus Fixed PKR         24.99
Djibouti Fixed PKR         34.99
Sudan Fixed PKR         15.99
Tunisia Fixed PKR         29.99
Chad Fixed PKR         24.99
Kenya Fixed PKR         17.99
Gambia Fixed PKR         49.99
Cuba Fixed PKR       110.00
Madagascar Fixed PKR         45.00
Lebanon Fixed PKR         17.99
Rwanda Fixed PKR         17.99
Mauritania Fixed PKR         39.99
Fiji Fixed PKR         29.99
North Korea Fixed PKR         69.99
Togo Fixed PKR         49.99
Alaska Fixed PKR         19.99
Eritrea Fixed PKR         29.99
French Polynesia Fixed PKR         29.99
St Kitts & Nevis Fixed PKR         34.99
San Marino Fixed PKR         29.99
Panama Fixed PKR            9.99
Guatemala Fixed PKR         17.99
Bolivia Fixed PKR         17.99
Gabon Fixed PKR         39.99
Tonga Fixed PKR         49.99
Mali Fixed PKR         24.99
Haiti Fixed PKR         29.99
Argentina Fixed PKR            9.99
Cameroon Fixed PKR         19.99
Guyana Fixed PKR         29.99
Morocco Fixed PKR         29.99
Equatorial Guinea Fixed PKR         29.99

Covered Destinations (Mobile)

Country Destination Rs/min
Switzerland Fixed PKR         44.99
Mozambique Fixed PKR         19.99
Maldives Fixed PKR         69.99
Ireland Fixed PKR         29.99
Tanzania Fixed PKR         17.99
Denmark Fixed PKR         22.99
Ghana Fixed PKR         23.99
Azerbaijan Fixed PKR         24.99
Morocco Fixed PKR         29.99
Libya Fixed PKR         39.99
Poland Fixed PKR         17.99
Austria Fixed PKR         19.99
Tunisia Fixed PKR         30.99
Algeria Fixed PKR         34.99
Latvia Fixed PKR         59.99
Benin Fixed PKR         19.99
Ethiopia Fixed PKR         29.99
Portugal Fixed PKR         29.99
Madagascar Fixed PKR         49.99
Belarus Fixed PKR         24.99
Togo Fixed PKR         39.99
Cuba Fixed PKR         99.99
Macedonia Fixed PKR         39.99
Estonia Fixed PKR         32.99
Albania Fixed PKR         29.99
Gabon Fixed PKR         30.99
Gambia Fixed PKR         39.99
Ecuador Fixed PKR         24.99
Bulgaria Fixed PKR         32.99
Haiti Fixed PKR         24.99
Mali Fixed PKR         24.99
Equatorial Guinea Fixed PKR         24.99
Niger Fixed PKR         24.99
Botswana Fixed PKR         19.99
Fiji Fixed PKR         24.99
Burundi Fixed PKR         18.00
Lebanon Fixed PKR         22.00
Djibouti Fixed PKR         40.00
Monaco Fixed PKR         40.00
Belize Fixed PKR         25.00
Croatia Fixed PKR         25.00
French Polynesia Fixed PKR         30.99
Suriname Fixed PKR         24.99
Honduras Fixed PKR         29.99
Slovenia Fixed PKR         49.99
Bosnia Fixed PKR         34.99
Armenia Fixed PKR         24.99
Guinea Republic Fixed PKR         49.99
Guatemala Fixed PKR         19.99
St Lucia Fixed PKR         24.99
St Vincent Fixed PKR         34.99
Bahamas Fixed PKR         24.99
Jamaica Fixed PKR         29.99
Grenada Fixed PKR         24.99
Cayman Islands Fixed PKR         24.99
Uruguay Fixed PKR         24.99
Iceland Fixed PKR         29.99
Faeroe Fixed PKR         29.99
Gibraltar Fixed PKR         29.99
Paraguay Fixed PKR         17.99
Cent African Rep Fixed PKR         34.99

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