PESCO duplicate bill online

By on Apr 7, 2017 in Duplicate Bill | 0 comments

PESCO duplicate bill online.Online duplicate bill of pesco. PESCO WAPDA duplicate bill. How to know pesco electricity bill.Electricity bill of PESCO. Check electricity bill pesco. view pesco electricity bill. Check wapda electricity bill of pesco.PESCO duplicate bill. Duplicate bill online pesco wapda. PESCO WAPDA duplicate bill online.PESCO duplicate bill online.PESCO duplicate bill online 2017. online pesco duplicate bill. WAPDA chechk online bill pesco.pesco wapda electricity bill online check system. electricity bill online of pesco wapda.

PESCO duplicate bill online

PESCO duplicate bill online

PESCO duplicate bill online

Dear Users i want to share a very useful information with you. It is a very useful for you. I tell you a very good information. I am going to share a very good and useful tool with you. By using this tool you can know your electricity bill of PESCO WAPDA.It is a very easy method to know your electricity bill. Sometime you did not receive your electricity bill at time. And apply some extra charges on your electricity bill. It is very difficult to pay extra charges. I tell you a very easy way to check your electricity bill online.It is very easy to view or check your current bill..It is free. And one more good thing it is available at any time. You can easily check your electricity bill at any time. There is no time limit.As well as you can print a duplicate copy of your electricity bill. You can view your PESCO WAPDA electricity bill online and print duplicate copy of the bill easily in sitting your home or office even at any place at any time.

Peshawar electric supply company

Call at PESCO Helpline Number in case of Power Failure or any kind of complaint at 111-000-128 or at customer services number 118.

Check PESCO Electricity bill Online and also print duplicate copy of bill


To check your PESCO duplicate bill click on following link;

Printing Instructions

In Internet Explorer from the FILE menu click “PAGE SETUP”

Select PAPER SIZE as “A4”

Delete the values under HEADER and FOOTER

Select ORIENTATION as “Portrait”

Click the OK button

From the FILE menu click “PRINT”

Choose appropriate printer and click the PRINT button



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